Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. ~ James 1:27

17 June 2009

Do We or Do We Not?

So, we keep having this discussion...... do we or do we not miss TV? I really haven't. It feels kind of like being on vacation. We've spent a lot of time doing family activities. Our family game night used to be Friday, but now we're playing games on other evenings and during the day, too. We have gone to the park a couple of times, which we probably would have done anyway. I think, though, that we stayed longer without TV to go home to. I'm also enjoying not seeing the news. I may have no idea what's going on in the world, but I'm also worrying less about things I have no control over. I'm an avid reader, but am reading even more than usual during quiet times and after the kids are in bed.

Justin does miss the television, mostly after the kids are down and he wants to do something mindless to relax. He's reading a lot, too, which is so weird to me! He's never been one to sit down with a book.

The kids haven't complained yet. Of course, it's summer and there are a lot of other activities to keep them busy. Winter might be different.

We're going out of town for a week and I'm not looking forward to being around TV again. We've decided that if the kids are at a friend's house or with family where there is TV, they will be allowed to watch it with the same guidelines we've always had.

So, there's no easy answer to the question. Television has certainly disappeared from our lives with a lot less drama than I expected. Maybe we're in a honeymoon period...

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