Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. ~ James 1:27

25 August 2010

Decisions, decisions.....

The excitement of having a court date has given way to the stress of trying to figure out travel plans.  Ever since we found out that there would be two trips, we've planned to add a couple of days in Europe onto the first one.  Our discussions about it were in vague terms of what if this or what if that.  Then we'd get distracted by life and off we'd go.  

Now, we have to actually make decisions and it's beyond stressful.  Anyone who knows me, knows that I don't spend a penny without agonizing over it.  I bought a dress on clearance for $1 two weeks ago and I'm still questioning whether I should have spent that buck on something I don't really need.  It took us a year and a half to plan our Jamaica vacay a few years ago.  We're trying to do this in a matter of days.

It's throwing me for a loop.  The options are enticing - Paris, Rome, London, Amsterdam, and Dubai.  We had about decided on Amsterdam because it's the cheapest option.  But nothing we see to do there overly interests us.  London and Rome are really just too expensive.  Dubai is, well, so new and glitzy.  And then there's Paris.  Ahhhhh... my dream since 10th grade French class.  The Louve, Versailles, the Eiffel Tower!!

We can make it happen - actually for several hundred dollars less than one of our quotes to go directly to Ethiopia and back with no stopover.  The problem now is scheduling.  We can be there for 24 hours or for about three days.  We'd prefer two, but no cost effective way to do that has been revealed yet.  

Then there's all the fretting this mama does.  What about the kids at home?  Will their world end if we add another day onto our trip?  Is our happiness and couple time worth my perceived long term damage to their psyches because I'm away from them 24 hours longer than necessary?  Will they even notice we're gone?  Oh gosh!  What if they don't brush their teeth the entire time and who will rub Maci's eyes so she can get to sleep?

So, yah, I'm flipping out a bit.  We need to make a decision ASAP.  Flights in the states will start filling up soon, since part of our travel is on Thanksgiving weekend.  That should be fun.

Stay tuned for a decision.  Justin wants to have the tickets booked by the end of the week...


  1. do it! think of it this way -- to add 3 days in Paris onto this trip is still FAR more economical & saves you money than trying to plan a trip to Paris some other time. 3 days will give you time to get adjusted to time changes and do the sightseeing. 24 hours really is just enough time to catch up on sleep! :-)

  2. you have to do this... have you been to travel zoo? I get their email every week and they are always having fantastic hotel deals in Paris. I booked our trip on Emerites myself- well through Orbitz and saved a bundle vs going with a travel agent. If you are trying to do it the cheapest way possible, this is definitely an option. Can't wait to hear what you decide!

  3. That's what we decided, Lori! When are we ever going to have a chance to do this again at this price?

    Leah - I haven't been to travel zoo yet but I will definitely check it out. I'm not having any luck trying to find something on my own.
