Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. ~ James 1:27

29 August 2011

Five Months Home

Last week, we celebrated five months as a family of seven.  For writing, Tatum and Kierstyn chose to use Eyob as a subject.  I love what they came up with.  Here's their paragraph:

     Eyob Masebo Robbs is a konjo, four year old little boy.  He has cute hair and beautiful skin.  He is compassionate and caring when someone gets hurt.  Eyob was adopted from Ethiopia five months ago.  He is different and unique with a great personality.

He's just a part of our family now.  It feels like we're starting to gel together as a unit and I fantasize at least once a day cannot even remember what life was like with only one little.  Our littles, Eyob and Maci, are quite a rambunctious pair.  I'm working some preschool into our school days and two and a half weeks in they both recognize A, B, and C, write the three letters, and tell what they 'say'. 

The other kids are having an excellent school year so far, too.  I skipped Tatum up a grade, so she went from 4th to 6th and is doing awesome!  Cade is bopping along with all his eighth grade stuff - Algebra II being what I was most apprehensive about, but he's doing great so far.  Kierstyn is blowing third grade right out of the water.  What a smarty pants!  We're also learning Greek, which has actually been really fun so far.

Sports start full force this week, with games and practices and the constant juggling of schedules and eating dinner on the go.  As stressful as that is sometimes, we love it and praise God every day for the joy he has given us.

Over the weekend, we de-stressed with a rock star birthday party for Tatum and some of her friends.  We had lots of fun and Justin and I looked like has been 80's rock stars incredibly hot.

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